Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki

Banquet goods are stored in the Village Hall, and are used for holding banquets, which give you honour. The capacity of the Village Hall may be increased by researching Engineering and Hall Capacity from the Education research tab.

Building Image Description Produces
Hunter's Hut Huntershut The hunter's hut is used to produce the banquet good, venison, and may be placed in all village types. The closer the hut is to the Village Hall, the more productive it will be. Before this building can be placed, players must research Hunting in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Hunting and by upgrading the Hunters' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 200 wood, 200 stone and 100 gold. Venison
Carpenter's Workshop Carpentersworkshop The carpenter's workshop is used to produce the banquet good, furniture, and may be placed in all village types, next to trees as wood is required to produce the goods. The closer the workshop is to the Village Hall, the more productive it will be. Before this building can be placed, players must research Carpentry in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Carpentry and by upgrading the Carpenters' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 500 wood, 500 stone and 200 gold. Furiture
Metalware Workshop Metalwareworkshop The metalware workshop is used to produce the banquet good, metalware, and may be placed in Lowlands, Highlands and Mountains Peak village types. It must be placed next to iron deposits and iron is required to produce the goods. The closer the workshop is to the Village Hall, the more productive it will be. Before this building can be placed, players must research Metal Bashing in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Metal Bashing and by upgrading the Metalworker’s Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 750 wood, 750 stone and 300 gold. Metalware
Tailor's Workshop Tailors The tailor's workshop is used to produce the banquet good, clothes, and may be placed in all village types. The closer the building is to the Village Hall, the more productive it will be. Before this workshop can be placed players, must research Tailoring in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Tailoring and by upgrading the Tailors' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 1,000 wood, 1,000 stone and 500 gold. Clothing
Vineyard Vineyard The vineyard is used to produce the banquet good, wine, and may only be placed in the Valley Side village type. The closer the vineyard is to the Village Hall, the more productive it will be. Before this building can be placed, players must research Wine Production in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Wine Production and by upgrading the Vintners' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 1,200 wood, 1,200 stone and 600 gold. Wine
Salt Pan Saltpan The salt pan is used to produce the banquet good, salt, and may only be built in the Salt Flats village type. It must be placed on the salt deposits in the village. Before salt pans can be placed, players must research Salt Working in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Salt Working and by upgrading the Salt Workers' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 1,000 wood, 1,000 stone and 500 gold. Salt
Spice Dock Spicedock The spice dock is used to produce the banquet good, spices, and may only be built in the River 1 village type. It must be placed on the river's edge in the village. Before the docks can be placed, players must research Spice Trade in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Spice Trade and by upgrading the Spice Dockers' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 2,000 wood, 2,000 stone and 500 gold. Spice
Silk Dock Silkdock The silk dock is used to produce the banquet good, silk, and may only be built in the River 2 village type. It must be placed on the river's edge in the village. Before the docks can be placed, players must research Silk Trade in the Industry tab of the research tree. Production rate of this building may be increased by further researching Silk Trade and by upgrading the Silk Dockers' Guild in the Parish Capital. Strategy Cards may also give a production bonus. It requires gold, wood and stone to build. The initial cost of placement is 2,000 wood, 2,000 stone and 500 gold. Silk