Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki
Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki
Building Image Description
Wooden Walls Wooden wall The most basic defensive structures, these wooden walls are weak and easily destroyed; however, they will slow down weaker attacking units. Troops cannot be placed on wooden walls, and to fully enclose the castle, a gatehouse is required. The Fortification research needs to be completed in order to build wooden walls in your village castle. To build wooden walls in your parish castle, an Architects' Guild is required. Wood from the stockpile is used to build wooden walls. The base cost of 1 tile of Wooden wall is 20 Wood.
Wooden Wall Block Wooden wall block Wooden walls can also be clicked and dragged out in rectangular sections. Doing so will create large sections of walls and fill in any gaps between structures. If the wall section turns red when trying to place it, this is because placing the wall would completely enclose the castle which requires a gatehouse.
Wooden Gatehouse Wooden gatehouse Wooden gatehouses allow defending troops to pass through and attack troops outside the walls. Without a gatehouse, the castle cannot be fully enclosed, even with with walls or a moat; a path to the keep is required, and gatehouses act as part of that path. Multiple gatehouses may be placed. Fortification research is required to build wooden gatehouses in your village castle. To build wooden gatehouses in your parish castle, an Architects' Guild is required. Wood from the stockpile is used to build wooden gatehouses. The base cost of a Wooden Gatehouse is 200 Wood.
Wooden Platform Wooden platform Wooden platforms allow archers to be placed upon them, giving them a slight defensive advantage. To place wooden platforms in your village Castle, the appropriate level of Fortification research must be completed. To build wooden platforms in your parish castle, an Architects' Guild is required. Wood from the stockpile is used to build wooden platforms. The base cost of a Wooden Platform is 200 Wood.