Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki

Glory is a system in Stronghold Kingdoms where players collect points for their Factions & House by holding key positions throughout the game world. Glory points are collected by elected Capital leaders for their Faction & House. The total Glory points amassed by every member of a House amounts to the total Glory points for that House. Glory points cannot be lost. However, at the end of a Glory cycle, the 2 houses with the least Glory points will be removed form the Glory leaderboard.

Glory mockup

Glory Leaderboard

Points Calculation

Glory points are collected by House members elected as Capital leaders. The number of points are calculated as follows.

Leader Position Points per Day
Parish Steward 4
County Sheriff 200
Province Governor 1000
Country King 5000


Now when clicking on the Factions menu icon, the first screen presented is the Glory leaderboard. As Houses amass Glory points, their banners will be raised higher up the screen. The leading House's banner will remain in the centre, with all trailing factions displayed to its left and right.

TIP: Hovering your cursor over a banner will display the amount of Glory points for that House.

First blood will go to the first House to reach 1,000,000 (one million) Glory points!
