Stronghold Kingdoms Wiki
039 player info

Player Profile screen

Players can find out more info about other players in Stronghold Kingdoms worlds through their Player Profile screen.


Across the top of the Player Profile screen are the most basic pieces of information about the selected player; their Username, highest Leadership title and region, Rank and Leaderboard Points.

Note: The Highest leadership title and first alphabetical region of which they hold that title are displayed next to the player's username.

In the centre of the screen, the player's username and rank are displayed with their Coat of Arms beneath. Players can edit their Coat of Arms by clicking on it. Underneath the Coat of Arms are the names of the players Faction and House as well as their respective emblem and flag.


Player Avatar


Whenever a player clicks on a name in the Leaderboard or views a Player Profile, an image is displayed of their Lord or Lady. This is known as an avatar, and can be edited in various ways from Settings\Edit avatar or from within the Player Profile. The gender of an Avatar also determines the gender of a player's rank.


From the player profile, players can view their own or other player's Achievements and information about them in an popup window.


From the player profile, players can view their own or other player's Quests and information about them in an popup window.

Villages and Capitals[]

A list of all the player's Villages and any Capitals of which they are a Leader are displayed in a drop-down menu. Clicking on any of these village or capital names will focus on them in the World Map.


Player's can send any other messages using the in-game Mail system from the Player Profile. Simply click on the Send a Message button to begin writing your message.
