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R education tree

Education research tree

Description[ | ]

Education The Education research tree allows improvements to Merchants, storage capacity, Religion and more.

Mathematics[ | ]

Mathematics Mathematics reduces the time taken to complete research, can be started at rank 1, and gives access to the Architecture, Merchant Guilds, Transportation, Commerce, Engineering, Stockpile Capacity, Granary Capacity, Hall Capacity, Inn Capacity, Armoury Capacity and Housing Capacity branches of research.

Engineering[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Engineering Engineering increases the amount of goods per type, which can be stored, and can be started at rank 4, once Mathematics, Level 1 has been researched. Engineering also gives access to the Stockpile Capacity, Granary Capacity, Hall Capacity, Inn Capacity, Armoury Capacity and Housing Capacity branches of research.

Stockpile Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Stockpile capacity Stockpile Capacity increases the number of goods per type, which can be stored in the stockpile. This research can be started at rank 5, once Engineering, Level 1 has been researched.

Granary Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Granary capacity Granary Capacity increases the number of goods per type, which can be stored in the granary. This research can be started at rank 6, once Engineering, Level 2 has been researched.

Hall Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Hall capacity Hall Capacity increases the number of goods per type, which can be stored in the village hall. This research can be started at rank 7, once Engineering, Level 3 has been researched.

Inn Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Inn capacity Inn Capacity increases the amount of ale, which be stored in the inn. This research can be started at rank 8, once Engineering, Level 4 has been researched.

Armoury Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Armoury capacity Armoury Capacity increases the number of weapons and armour, which can be stored in the stockpile. This research can be started at rank 9, once Engineering, Level 5 has been researched.

Housing Capacity[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Housing capacity Housing Capacity increases the number of peasants per hovel, in the village. This research can be started at rank 10, once Engineering, Level 6 has been researched.

Merchant Guilds[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Commerce Merchant Guilds gives access to markets, and allows trading within a player's own parish. This research can be started at rank 5, once Mathematics, Level 2 has been researched, and also gives access to the Transportation and Commerce branches of research.

Commerce[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Trade agreements Commerce gives access to trading with markets outside a player's own parish. This research can be started at rank 11, once Merchant Guilds, Level 3 has been researched. Each level of research requires the player to be of a higher rank than at the previous level.

Transportation[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Land trade Transportation increases the speed of Merchants to and from stock exchanges and villages. This research can be started at rank 12, once Merchant Guilds, Level 2 has been researched.

Architecture[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Architecture Architecture increases the speed at which village buildings are completed. This research can be started at rank 10, once Mathematics, Level 3 has been researched.

Arts[ | ]

Arts Arts increases the amount of honour gained from having positive popularity within villages by increasing the honour multiplier. This research can be started at rank 1, and further research requires the player to be of a higher rank than at the previous level. Arts also gives access to the Decoration, Literature, Theology, Ordination, Pilgrimage, Baptism, Marriage, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Extreme Unction, Philosophy and Justice branches of research.

Decoration[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Gardening Decoration increases access to decorative buildings in villages which when built increase the players Honour Multiplier. Each level of research gives access to new building types, and requires the player to be of a higher rank than at the previous level. This research can be started at rank 1, once Arts, Level 1 has been researched. The buildings which can be accessed are; Flower Beds, Dovecotes, Stone Statues, Formal Gardens and Gilded Statues.

Literature[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Literature Literature increases access to Entertainment Buildings in villages which when built increase the players Popularity. Each level of research gives access to new building types, and requires the player to be of a higher rank than at the previous level. This research can be started at rank 6, once Arts, Level 2 has been researched. The buildings which can be accessed are; Theatres, Jesters Courts, Dancing Bears, Troubadours Arbours and Maypoles.

Theology[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Theology Theology gives access to religious buildings and also starts faith points production. This research can be started at rank 8, once Arts, Level 3 has been researched. The buildings made available through further research include Small Shrines, Large Shrines, Chapels, Churches and Cathedrals. Further research also gives access to the Ordination, Pilgrimage, Baptism, Marriage, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession and Extreme Unction branches of research.

Ordination[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Ordination Ordination allows the creation of Monks. Further research increases the number of Monks available per village, up to a maximum of eight (8). This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 5 has been researched, and allows access to the Pilgrimage branch of research.

Pilgrimage[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Pilgrimage Pilgrimage increases the speed at which Monks travel across the world map. This research can be started at rank 8, once Ordination, Level 1 has been researched.

Baptism[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Baptism Baptism gives access to restoration, which allows Monks to remove plague from parish capitals. Further research increases the effect of the Monks’ restoration. This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 7 has been researched.

Marriage[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Marriage Marriage gives access to blessing, which allows Monks to increase parish popularity for a period of time. Further research lengthens the time the blesssing effects last for. This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 8 has been researched.

Confirmation[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Confirmation Confirmation gives access to inquisition, which allows Monks to decrease parish popularity for a period of time. Further research increases the time of the inquisition effects. This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 9 has been researched.

Eucharist[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Eucharist Eucharist gives access to interdict, which allows Monks to protect a village or capital from attacks by other players for a period of time. Researching the first level will allow the player to interdict themselves, regardless of their own rank, while further research allows the protection of higher-level players.

TIP: While interdiction stops attacks being launched against a village or capital, it will not prevent attacks which have already been launched.

Confession[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Confession Confession gives access to absolution, which allows Monks to reduce the length of a village's excommunication. Further research increases the absolution and its affects. This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 12 has been researched

Extreme Unction[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Extreme unction Extreme Unction gives access to excommunication, which allows Monks to remove another village’s church powers for a period of time. Further research lengthens the duration of the excommunication and its effects. This research can be started at rank 8, once Theology, Level 13 has been researched.

Philosophy[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Philosophy Philosophy reduces the cost of gold for buying research points. This research can be started at rank 13, once Arts, Level 4 has been researched, and also gives access to Justice.

Justice[ | ]

Research ComesFrom Spacer Justice Justice gives access to justice buildings, which may be placed within villages. This research can be started at rank 16, once Philosophy, Level 1 has been researched. Each level of research requires the player to be of a higher rank than at the previous level. The buildings made available through further research include Stocks, Burning Posts, Stretching Racks and Gibbets.